177 E Main St, Marcellus, MI 49067

Office hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:45am - 12pm & 1pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am. - 12pm


PO Box 429, Marcellus, MI 49067

Village Calendar

Reminders and Events


The Village of Marcellus offices will be closed these dates in 2025. VOM Holidays 2025 

The Village of Marcellus Council will hold a Public Hearing on the proposed Amendment of the District boundaries of the Marcellus Downtown Development Authority (DDA) on January 14, 2024 at 7:00pm in Village of Marcellus Offices at 177 E Main Street, Marcellus.

The purpose of the hearing is to consider the adoption of Ordinance No. 255, Pursuant to Public Act 57 of 2018 of the Public Acts of Michigan, “an Ordinance to Amend the Downtown Development Authority Ordinance in the Village of Marcellus, to re-designate the boundaries of the district, to revise and readopt the authorities and procedures of the authority board and to repeal all ordinances in conflict herewith.” .

For more information read the Notice Public Hearing DDA Ordinance 255 – January 14 2025

See the Proposed Boundary Map shaded in yellow here DDA_36x36_Color Map

List of Proposed Properties DDA_LIST of Properties Added

Copies of maps, property list and property descriptions are on file in the office of the Village clerk for inspection

Interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing with questions or comments. 

Borden Waste Away provides garbage and recycling collection for roll cart customers in Marcellus on Fridays. Please make sure your cart is out by 6 am and rolled back to your home or business after pickup.  

Here is the new 2025 Holiday Schedule for 2025. Borden 2025 Holiday Schedule .

Their 2025 Recycle Calendar is now available here: Borden Recycle Calendar 

Additional Tips for Garbage or Recycling:

Trash & Recycling Checklist 

Recycling Tips

Prohibited Trash Items

Winter Parking is in effect between November 1 and March 15 of each year between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 

During regulated parking times, parking is limited to:

  1. Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, park only on the south and west side of any street.
  2. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday of each week, park only on the north and east side of any street.

For the more information read this: Winter Parking Ordinance

The Marcellus Village Council meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.  There are a few exceptions in 2025.  Here is the full schedule  for you to print out or save to your device. COUNCIL MEETING DATES 2025

Here are some tips to help keep your water running smoothly.  Cold Weather Tips

The Village of Marcellus High Water Project, “Mitigation of Lake Marcellus North” in the 200 block of Read began this fall 2024. The Village received a State grant in the amount of $427,952 to address high water/flooding on Read from Burney to Maple as well as on Burney Street south to the Library.  Much of the work to narrow the road, install storm sewers & detention basins, redo the curbs & sidewalks and replace the water service lines is complete.  There are still rain gardens and other streetscaping elements to complete as well as a final coat of asphalt for the road. 

Be sure to check out the progress thus far and look for more to come in 2025.

The Village of Marcellus Council updated the Rental/Lease Ordinance June 25 and it goes into effect August 3rd, 2024.  For the full ordinance follow this link Ordinance 253 – Rental-Lease Housing Maintenance

The Village of Marcellus Council adopted the 2024 edition of the International Property Maintenance code on June 25 and it goes into effect August 3rd, 2024.  This regulates and governs the conditions and maintenance of all property buildings. For the full ordinance follow this link Ordinance 254 – Marcellus Property Maintenance Code

Construction began in April 2023 on the west side of town with water main replacements.   Crews have now replaced all the lead or galvanized steel water service lines with plastic throughout the Village.  Restoration of lawns and sidewalks dug up in the Water project are  mostly done but winter weather means some will be completed in Spring. If you have any issues on your property related to the water project, contact the Village and the contractors will address issues as soon as possible. New water lines have a one year warranty from installation.  After replacement the property owner is responsible for the water service line maintenance from the shut-off box to their home, just as they were before this state mandated service line replacement project.   To learn more about the State-mandated Lead Service line Project, go here: Lead Service Line Replacement

Since the addition of the online Village of Marcellus utility bills program through BS&A Software, 234 businesses & residents have signed up for paperless billing. Another 60 residents or businesses use the autopay feature to automatically pay on the due date.  Every utility service client can view, make a one time payment or schedule your auto payment via credit card, debit card, your bank account, google or apple pay.  The best online deal is to pay your bill is via EFT from your bank account with a modest fee of $1.95 per payment. (Credit/debit fees are 3.5% of the amount paid) Residents & businesses that pay online, your due date time is extended to 11:59 pm on the 20th. Follow the link when you click on the “Pay Utilities Bill” icon to access the payment portal.  


The Village of Marcellus has 1 opening for a Department of Public Works (DPW) Employee. DPW Employees must possess the minimum of a CDL B license.

DPW Job Description 

DPW Employment Application 

For paper copies visit Village Hall at 177 E Main, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM and Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. 

Employment Application for All Other Positions

If you are behind on utility payments, you are urged to seek assistance from one of the programs listed below if eligible and to contact the Village Hall to set up a payment plan.

Southwest Michigan Community Action Agency –  Low Income Household Water Assistance Program. (LIHWAP)

MIHAF- Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund – For homeowners with financial hardship due to Covid-19 pandemic. They can help with utilities, property taxes, mortgages, land contract and more.

Grants are available and Marcellus residents can apply directly to the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund at 844-756-4423 or visit

Public Welcomed

Meeting Dates & Times

Regular and Special Meetings:

The public is always welcome and encouraged to attend.

All special meetings are scheduled as needed and must be posted at least 18 hours prior to the meeting date and time.

* November and December Village Council meetings may change from this schedule due to the holiday.  In December 2024, the second meeting will be Thursday December 17th. In November 2025, the first meeting will be Wednesday November 12 due to the Veteran’s Day Holiday.  December 2025, Council meetings will be on the Second Tuesday and Third Wednesday, December 9 & 16th, at 7:00 p.m.  

Board Regular Meeting Dates Time
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each Month *
7:00 PM
2nd Wednesday of Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct
7:00 PM
1st Monday of each Month
5:45 PM
2nd Tuesday of each Month
6:30 PM
Marcellus Township
3rd Tuesday of each Month
6:00 PM

Financial Transparency and WATER QUALITY


View our City, Village and Township Revenue Sharing (CVTRS) Financial Health Information here


Citizen's Guide at Michigan Department of Treasury


View Drinking Water Quality Reports



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