The Village of Marcellus will hold a public hearing to present and discuss a proposed Water Distribution System Improvement Project.

The hearing will be held at the Village Council regular meeting promptly at 7:30 p.m. on June 8, 2021 at Marcellus Village Hall: 177 East Main Street, Marcellus, MI 49067. All interested parties are invited to attend and present their questions and comments on the proposed project.

The purpose of the project is to replace lead service lines, replace iron filters and update controls at the water treatment plant, and replace aged cast iron water mains to improve system reliability and to better serve water system customers.

A copy of the of the proposed project plan will be available for inspection at the Marcellus Village Hall: 177 East Main Street, Marcellus, MI 49067 and on the Village website at for 30 days. To view the project plan and associated documents, please follow this link Water Distribution System Improvement Project.

Written comments should be sent to:

Jacqueline Terrill, Village Clerk c/o Marcellus Village Hall: 177 East Main Street, Marcellus, MI 49067.,  All comments received before the hearing record is closed on June 8th will be addressed at the public hearing and will appear in the final project plan.