Marcellus Residents will once again have the option to recycle their garbage through the new program rolled out by Lakeshore Recycling Service (LRS) which purchased Michiana Recycling & Disposal in January 2023.   Assistant Manager, Andre Price, from LRS told the Village Council at the June 13 meeting that LRS removed the yellow recycling bag program the wrong way and apologized for that.  The recycling service was already included in the garbage contract so the sudden removal of the program without warning was of great concern to Council members and the residents of Marcellus.  Recycling has now be reinstated for Village of Marcellus residents in a new recycling program that asks resident to separate their recyclables from the old yellow bags and into a new container.

According to an LRS press release “We are relentless in our pursuit of more sustainable, long-term solutions that lessen the environmental impact.  This means a transition from the yellow bag program to a cart program to reduce recycling contamination. Contamination occurs when recyclable and non-recyclable items are mixed together… It can prevent large batches of materials from being processed and items end up in the landfill.”  LRS has a goal to improve the volume of recyclables and divert them from the landfill.  This is your opportunity to help the recovery of materials that can be recycled to protect our environment and natural resources.

So residents with roll cart garbage service can choose to “OPT IN” to this new recycling program and will receive a separate 65 gallon container at no additional cost.  Recyclables must go in the container clean and loose without any bags or garbage included.  Pick-ups will be every other week and will start later this summer once sign-ups and roll-out is completed.  The complete guide to LRS recycling for Roll Cart customers can be found here LRS Guidelines. If you interested you can sign up when you pay your bill by checking the box on your payment slip,  or email with your name & address or call the Village Hall at 269-646-5485.  At this time, there is no free recycling program for customers with garbage dumpsters. Customers with dumpster service must pay a separate recycling dumpster monthly fee if they are interested in participating in recycling.


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